Research & Development
With the rich experience and knowledge; our breeders bring world class products continuously excelling and setting new standards as demanded by the customers. Apart from targeting the yield improvements, the breeding programs in various crops also focus on breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses, quality traits etc., The Products are tested extensively across the country indifferent multi location trial centers and farmers fields under varied agro climatic conditions and farming situations.
In ‘Participatory Plant Breeding Process’ customers and channel members interact with our breeders and help setting up the breeding objectives and also select the hybrids best suited to their environments on parameters like performance, quality of product, pest tolerance, yield etc., Only the best rolls out to occupy top positions in various niche markets.
- R & D is constantly working on various applications as well as products to add value, improve volume, widen product base and upgrade the current products.
- Multi disciplinary crop improvement research program to develop superior products.
- Varietal screening including testing hybrid and stock seed production.
- Testing cultivar performance and developments of hybrid varieties.
- Germplasm collection and conservation.
- Special training programs are conducted by the R & D department to update marketing staffs with the knowledge of new products.